




>> Thursday, May 28, 2009

today i`ve got newmail from my frenz zul... just linkkan address untuk aku.. for what reason.. i`m not quiet sure bout that..yg penting mayb nak psycho emosi aku.. siape tau... then aku rep email.. ader ape? just copy paste n mail through my mail ni tak leh ke.. nape perlu nak aku visit that link?

then balik kije aku cube visit that link.. how i`m so suprised amat bile ader pic aku! menci!! then aku bace ape yg ader..... omg!nape perlu berlarutan mcm nih? nape perlu seksa emosi aku sampai mcm nih! damn!!!...gile aku gile! sungguh.. i hate this part!! dulu moc wat hal sama... then adam wat hal sama ni kawan aku pulak wat benda sama! yup sume tuju kat aku mcm aku jahat sgt!

cara dia mcm nak aku pakse diri nih untuk time dia.. omg! nape perlu aku kene face this stage again n again huh!!! adoyaiii gile aku mmc nih...

ape aku leh komen.. all his word in taht link simply because he is in the state of emotionality
as well as insanity... terpengaruh dgn emosi.. dia tak leh nak handle stage emosi dia... dia tak leh time... itu yg sebetulnya.. kalau dia boleh time nape perlu ader perang mcm nih... kijam ke aku? mayb ku kene jadi kijam kot... baru dia puas kot.....

aku mintak maaf sesangat kat dia... aku boleh jadi kawan dia IF dia buang jejauh perasaan tuh! selagi dia tak leh nak buang aku tak boleh nak jadi kawan.. tau nape.. sebb aku rase mcm aku ag terus seksa dia jer... but dia dok slaah paham pulak.. pls la bertindak seperti ape yg sepatotnya... bukan budak ag... jgn la lemah sgt! and nasihat untuk aku.... elok aku syok kat orang sejantina ag bagus! selesai masalah.... bodoh sial la...

nasihat untuk kawan aku.. if u want to cure perasaan sakit tu.. stop viewing my blog for a while.. sampai dah rase ok dah emosi tu baru dtg jenguk balik blog nih.... kalau tak nanti awak asik dok sakit hati jiwa je.. ingat la.. tu je caranyer,...

aku tak suke nak benci orang....dan aku tak penah benci dia cume jgn dia pakse aku je untuk wat benda aku tak suke.. awak pun tau kan saya ni unpredictable person aite.. so pls... i`m begging u... make ur self calm 1st then baru leh nak jadi pelawat bolg nh. kalau tak... sampai bile2pun hati takkan tenang.. aku pun boleh gile...

dari kecik asik nak kenne ikot telunjuk ornag je sampai aku tak boleh nak wat decision sendiri toyol!


jifat May 28, 2009 at 5:45 PM  

Life is about decision making. We can't be sitting on two chairs at one time. We have to choose. During that process we will hurt others and be hurt by others. It must be construed that you are making the decision at a particular time solely based on what options that we have. While, for the person being hurt by the decision, it is about how we rebounce and how we cope with the bitterness of the decision and making that as a milestone in life for achieving the significantly higher height in life. Jazakallah.

eyfa hanies May 28, 2009 at 5:49 PM  

wahhhhhh terpegun den! thanx my big bro!! thanx for the advice

Unknown May 29, 2009 at 10:53 PM  

sokong apa yg enchek jifat ckp tuh.. :D

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