




>> Wednesday, October 28, 2009

S.E.D.E.Y... itu yg aku rase skunk.. tak habis habis ngan cedey kan... tapi tu la salah sendiri jugak...

ermm mcm ne nak citer ae? ptg tadi la.. bile aku on9 check email aku dpat satu email dari majlis agama yg menjawab pertanyaan aku.. sebenarnye dah tak penting ag dah unutk aku sebb ia xkan ubah pape pun...

bile bace email tu.. ku jadi tergamam jap sebb tak sangka nak ader jawapan mcm tu.. then bile aku bagitau akak aku.. dia cakap bagi je kat "dia" sekadar nak berkongsi n bukan untuk provok pape.... mula nyer aku berat hati sebb yelah nanti tak pasal pasal aku kene bambu.. di tuduh saje nak ungkit balik citer yg dah "dimuktamadkan"kesudahannyer... tapi bile pikr pikir balik is sumthin yg boleh di sharing y not kan..

mulanye mase ym tu aku awal awal lagi dh mintak maaf ... terkejut jugak dia tetiba kan.. then aku cakap la nak share sumthing dia cakap ok.. tapi entah berat hati la pulak.... then bile dia nak jugk aku sendkan...

then dh aku agak.. mmg akan kene bambu .... so klah... time aje lah kan... mcm tak pernah aku kene marah atau ditegur.... entah la... sedey jugak sebb dia assumed aku tak pernah nak pikr perasaan dia.. dia tak tau ke aku ni yg lebih pikr dia dari aku sendiri... terus mencurah je air mata aku ini...

then akak aku tanye pe responed... diapun rase serba salah sebb dia yg suh aku share info tue..alih alih aku kene marah ala. benda nak jadi takde papelah.. its not my sis fault...
it take time to clear the situation...

when u see a tears roll down my cheek i hope u realize its because i miss those soft words you used to speak. when you know its you that makes me cry what crosses your mind or is our love just a lie? when u see these tears do you see all my tears because no one else hears. when you think of me.. think of everything we used to be.. think of the tears no one sees. when u see my heart is broken, u realize that u don`t give much as u take and my love is at stake. when you decide taht you were wrong it would be too late because i shall already gone...

Why does it have to hurt inside? Why do I have to cry each night? I think I have to walk by...
I'm starting to lose my sight...

What is it that changed your mind? Who is it that keeps you blind? Why did you change so fast?
Did you really have to leave me behind?

I start to think about all we had And how it turned this way... I guess I'll have to leave your side,
And turn my face away...

Although my soul will die... Although my heart will cry...I've got nothing else to do,I'm hurt deep inside

But although I'll leave your side,You'll be always on my mind...My heart and soul will ache for you,
Every day and every night...

You're my never ending love, The love that keeps me alive...You're the one I'll love forever,
Although it hurts inside...

Just because I smile does'nt mean that I am happy because it takes one smile to cover million tears


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